Using the ebird dataset from previous lessons, write a function that will take the scientific name as input and create a new file containing all the observation info for that bird. Name the output files with the scientific names for the following species:
df = read.csv("Data/MBT_ebird.csv")
q1_func <- function(sci_name, df){
df_output = filter(df, scientific_name == sci_name)
csv_output = paste0("Results/",sci_name, "_output.csv")
write.csv(df_output, csv_output)
cat("\nFile:", csv_output, "created")
q1_func("Anser caerulescens", df)
## File: Results/Anser caerulescens_output.csv created
q1_func("Antrostomus carolinensis", df)
## File: Results/Antrostomus carolinensis_output.csv created
q1_func("Setophaga americana", df)
## File: Results/Setophaga americana_output.csv created
Using the ebird dataset from previous lessons, write a function that will take the scientific name as input and create a new file containing all the observation info for that bird. Name the output files with the scientific names for the following species.
Note: I have built a function off of the column “count”, assuming these represent the individaul days that the birds were observed the most and the least? This results in a lot more rows per bird than the example (i.e. there were many days when that bird was observed only once)… but I may not understand the question perfectly, however.
# "Anser caerulescens"
# Antrostomus carolinensis
# Setophaga americana
q2_func <- function(sci_name) {
csv_name = paste0("Results/", sci_name, "_output.csv")
df = read.csv(csv_name)
min_num = min(df$count)
max_num = max(df$count)
output_df = filter(df, count %in% c(min_num, max_num))
all_three_df = bind_rows(q2_func("Anser caerulescens"), q2_func("Antrostomus carolinensis"), q2_func("Setophaga americana"))
write.csv(all_three_df, "Results/q2_function_maxmin_output.csv")
Write a nested function that will complete Problems 1 and 2 in a single function, but with the following species names as argument values.
df = read.csv("Data/MBT_ebird.csv")
sci_names = c("Branta canadensis","Spatula discors", "Anas platyrhynchos")
q3_func = function(sci_names){
# run q1 function on all three
for(s in sci_names){
cat("\n", s)
q1_func(s, df)
# run q2 func on all three to get the min max for each.
all_three_df = bind_rows(q2_func(sci_names[1]),
write.csv(all_three_df, "Results/q3_allthree_output.csv")
cat("\n\nSaved min and max observations for all in sci_names.")
## Branta canadensis
## File: Results/Branta canadensis_output.csv created
## Spatula discors
## File: Results/Spatula discors_output.csv created
## Anas platyrhynchos
## File: Results/Anas platyrhynchos_output.csv created
## Saved min and max observations for all in sci_names.